Thursday, December 20, 2012


Els participants del taller de teatre en anglès han fet una obra de teatre. Si la voleu veure cliqueu al link.

The participants of the Theatre&Crafts workshop have represented a play. If you want to watch it,  click in here.

Theatre&crafts workshop

I aquí teniu els videos de les actuacions del passat 21 de desembre. Felicitats per a  tots els participants.

And here you are the recordings of the last show. CONGRATULATIONS.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Here you are the photos that have taken the 6th graders. They have prepared scary jack-o-lanterns to decorate our school at Halloween. GREAT JOB BOYS AND GIRLS.

Aquí teniu les fotos que han fet els alumnes de 6è. Han preparat unes carbasses que fan por per a decorar la nostra escola per a la Castanyada. BEN FET NOIS I NOIES.

The fourth graders have learned this Halloween chant.

Els alumnes de 4rt han après aquest poema de Halloween.

If you want to listen to the witches, click here...

Si voleu escoltar les bruixes, cliqueu aquí


Si voleu escoltar els bruixots, cliqueu aquí

If you want to listen to the wizards, click here...


Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Hello everyone!!!
As every year we've celebrated St George Prize. The 5th and 6th classes write a poem in English. The 2nd winner in the 5th class is Mauro and the  first winner is Alba. Congratulations for all the participants !!!! Here you are her poem.

Com cada any hem celebrat el Concurs de St Jordi. Les classes de 5è i 6è fan un poema en anglès. El 2n guanyador de la classe de 5è és Mauro i el 1r és l'Alba. Felicitats a tots els participants. Aquí teniu el seu poema.

The second winner in the 6th class is Jairo and the first one is Claudia. Here you are her poem.
El segon guanyador es Jairo i el primer, Claudia.

Monday, March 26, 2012


The P-4 graders have sung a rhyme about the Easter Rabbit and they also have eaten a small chocolate egg. Do you want to listen to it?

Els alumnes de P-4 han cantat una rima sobre un conillet de Pasqua i també s'han menjat un petit ou de Pasqua. La voleu escoltar?

Monday, March 12, 2012

4th Presentation

Hello everyone!
This is an exemple of the oral activities we make when we split the class. It's just a presentation.
Hola a tothom!
Aquí teniu un exemple del tipus d'activitats orals que fem quan dividim la classe. Només és una presentació.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Hello everyone!!!
The P-4, P-5 and 1st pupils have gone to the Can Butjosa Theatre to see a puppet play in English. It was about a caterpillar that tried and tried to fly, but he couldn't. Until one day it became a butterfly and the he could fly. As you can see in the photos, all the students have enjoyed the show and also have sung a lot. CONGRATULATIONS BOYS AND GIRLS!!!

Hola a tothom!!!
Els alumnes de P-4, P-5 i 1r han anat al teatre de Can Butjosa per a veure una obra de titelles en anglès. Anava d'una oruga que intentava sense èxit volar, però no podia. Fins que un dia es va convertir en una papallona i si va poder. Com podeu veure a les fotos, tots els estudiants han disfrutat de l'obra i han cantat molt. FELICITATS NOIS I NOIES!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


The first Friday after Christmas pupils from 2nd to 6th have gone to Can Butjosa to see a play in English, Treasure Island. As the same time that we have learnt English, we have enjoyed it and had a lot of fun.

El primer divendres després de Nadal els alumnes de 2n a 6è han anat al teatre de Can Butjosa a veure "L'illa del tresor". Alhora que apreníem anglès ens ho hem passat molt bé i ha estat molt divertit.