Thursday, April 21, 2016

Learning about clothes

The P5 students are learning the clothes in English and the verb used to put each clothes: put on…a jumper, trousers, gloves, hat, socks, boots...For this reason we’ve played with the costumes meanwhile they were saying the clothes in English and using this verb. 

Els alumnes de P5 estem aprenent les peces de roba en anglès i el verb que utilitzem per posar cada peça: put on...a jumper, trousers, gloves, hat, socks, boots... Per això vam jugar a disfressar-nos anomenant les peces en anglès i fent servir aquest verb.


One more year, Mª José, the English teacher that sends the Council, has came to our school to play games in Englih with the 3rd and 4th graders. We've played a guessing game with food words and a kind of scrabble with animals words. We've learned a lot at the same time that we've had fun. Some of the 3rd graders have also performanced the "Mamma Mia" dance to Mª José. We hope to see you next year again!

Un any més, Mª José, la professora d'anglès que envia l'Ajuntament, ha vingut a la nostra escola per a jugar jocs en anglès amb els alumnes de 3r i 4rt. Hem jugat a un joc d'endevinar noms d'aliments i una mena de mots encreueats sobre noms d'animals. Hem après molt a l'hora que ens divertíem. També algunes alumnes de 3r han ballat la cançó "Mamma Mia" . Esperem torna't a veure el pròxim curs.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Family pictures

Thanks all the families from Eskimos class for your nice pictures! The children have could talk about the photos and explain who is her/his sister, mummy, daddy, granny, granddad… They were proud and happy to share it with their classmates. 

Gràcies a totes les famílies de la classe dels Esquimals per les fotos tan maques! Els nens han pogut parlar sobre les fotografies i explicar qui és la seva germana, mama, papa, àvia i avi…Ells estaven orgullosos i contents de compartir-ho amb els seus companys.