Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Today P4 and P5 students have had a great surprise. Father Christmas has left a present for each child!! Click on the photo to see the rest of the album and the Christmas cards photos.
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Avui els alumnes de P4 i P5 han tingut una gran sorpresa. El Pare Noel ha deixat un regal per a cada nen!! Cliqueu a la foto per veure l'àlbum complet i les fotos de les postals de Nadal.
Us desitgem un Bon Nadal!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


The theatre company Look Out! has came to our school to represent three wonderful plays: Fruity Tots, Santa's Pants and The Greedy king and queen.
Here you are some  pictures. Click on the photo to see the rest of the album. 

La companyia de teatre Look Out! ha vingut a la nostra escola per a representar tres obres meravelloses: Fruity Tots, Santa's Pants and The Greedy king i queen. Aquí teniu algunes fotos. Cliqueu a la foto per veure l'àlbum complet.

Monday, November 7, 2016


We have celebrated the Halloween festivity !!!
We have talked about Halloween costumes and characters. P4 students have decorated the English classroom door with pumpkins. In addition, P5 students have made a Trick or Treat wheel. You can turn the wheel, knock on the door and see who is inside. 

Hem celebrat la festa de Halloween !!!
Hem parlat sobre les disfresses i els personatges de Halloween. Els alumnes de P4 han decorat la porta de l'aula d'anglès amb carbasses. A més a més, els alumnes de P5 han fet una roda del "Trick or Treat". Pots fer girar aquesta roda, picar a la porta i veure qui hi ha a dins.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Every weekend one of the P5 students takes Mouse at home. Mouse spends a weekend with him/her and the next week they share their adventures with us. We hope you enjoy it and have a nice weekend! 

Here you have some photos of P5 students sharing their experiences. 

Cada cap de setmana un alumne de P5 s'emporta a la Mouse a casa. La Mouse passarà un cap de setmana amb ell/ella i la setmana següent ells ens fan arribar les seves aventures. Esperem que hi gaudiu molt i que passeu un bon cap de setmana! 

Aquí teniu imatges dels alumnes de P5 compartint les experiències. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Pre-Primary English games by the Council

Last Friday the council invited us to play games, sing songs and listen stories in English with Cristina. The experience was great, all the pre-primary students could enjoy it and learn English meanwhile they were having fun. Thanks to Cristina and to the council!
El passat divendres l’ajuntament ens va convidar a jugar, cantar cançons i escoltar contes en anglès amb la Cristina. La experiència va ser genial, tots els alumnes de infantil van poder gaudir i aprendre anglès mentre s’ho passaven bé.  Gràcies a la Cristina i a l’ajuntament!

Monday, June 13, 2016

P4-P5: Fruits & sandwiches

The Eskimos class and the Egyptians are learning about food and the best way to learn about it is tasting! For this reason last week the children from P4 tasted different fruits, and the P5 students made a sandwich.  Delicious!
Els Esquimals i els Egipcis estan aprenent sobre aliments i la millor manera d’aprendre sobre aquests és tastant-los! Per aquesta raó la setmana passada els nens de P4 van tastar diferents fruites i els de P5 van fer un sándwich. Deliciós!

Monday, May 30, 2016


Today we've enjoyed three wonderful plays thanks to the council: The three little pigs, Jack and the beanstalk and Loch Ness Monsters. We had fun and learn new vocabulary at the same time. Stella, the actress was great!!! 
Avui hem gaudit de tres fantàstiques obres de teatre gràcies a l'ajuntament: Els tres porquets, Jack i les mongetes màgiques i el monstre del llac Ness. Ens ho hem passat bé alhora que apreníem nou vocabulari. L'actriu, Stella, ha estat genial!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Marta has won the 2nd prize of 5th grade with a poem full of feelings. CONGRATULATIONS.
And the winner is Esther, WELL DONE!!!

And in 6th grade, the 2nd prize is for Marc and the winner is Ferran. CONGRATULATIONS FOR BOTH OF YOU!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Learning about clothes

The P5 students are learning the clothes in English and the verb used to put each clothes: put on…a jumper, trousers, gloves, hat, socks, boots...For this reason we’ve played with the costumes meanwhile they were saying the clothes in English and using this verb. 

Els alumnes de P5 estem aprenent les peces de roba en anglès i el verb que utilitzem per posar cada peça: put on...a jumper, trousers, gloves, hat, socks, boots... Per això vam jugar a disfressar-nos anomenant les peces en anglès i fent servir aquest verb.


One more year, Mª José, the English teacher that sends the Council, has came to our school to play games in Englih with the 3rd and 4th graders. We've played a guessing game with food words and a kind of scrabble with animals words. We've learned a lot at the same time that we've had fun. Some of the 3rd graders have also performanced the "Mamma Mia" dance to Mª José. We hope to see you next year again!

Un any més, Mª José, la professora d'anglès que envia l'Ajuntament, ha vingut a la nostra escola per a jugar jocs en anglès amb els alumnes de 3r i 4rt. Hem jugat a un joc d'endevinar noms d'aliments i una mena de mots encreueats sobre noms d'animals. Hem après molt a l'hora que ens divertíem. També algunes alumnes de 3r han ballat la cançó "Mamma Mia" . Esperem torna't a veure el pròxim curs.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Family pictures

Thanks all the families from Eskimos class for your nice pictures! The children have could talk about the photos and explain who is her/his sister, mummy, daddy, granny, granddad… They were proud and happy to share it with their classmates. 

Gràcies a totes les famílies de la classe dels Esquimals per les fotos tan maques! Els nens han pogut parlar sobre les fotografies i explicar qui és la seva germana, mama, papa, àvia i avi…Ells estaven orgullosos i contents de compartir-ho amb els seus companys.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


It is already the end of the second term - how time flies! On our last day, we had a special surprise - something totally unexpected! When the children arrived at school in the morning, they went up the stairs to class like normal, but Louisa was waiting at the top to say good morning! Louisa was our English speaking assistant two years ago and today she came back to Pompeu Fabra. The students were so happy to see her and many of them gave her hugs because they are grateful to have had her as a teacher here in Parets!
Louisa showed us photos that she took of the students from two years ago and we all noted how much we have grown since then! She then told us about her life in England, and about how the Easter holidays are celebrated there. The students enjoyed asking questions in English and the third grade even performed the song "Mamma Mia!" with the dance. Louisa was very impressed! We also did an Easter egg hunt in the playground with fourth grade, as this is another popular Easter tradition!

We are so happy to be reunited; nothing ever changes too much! We will be waiting to see you again soon. Happy Easter to everyone! 

Ja s'ha acabat el segon trimestre, com passa el temps! L'últim dia hem  tingut una sorpresa especial, totalment inesperada. Quan els nens van arribar a l'escola al matí, van pujar les escales com sempre, però Louisa estava esperant-los per dir Bon dia! Louisa era la nostra Auxiliar de Conversa fa dos cursos i avui ha tornat a l'escola. Tots els estudiants estaven molt contents de veure-la i molts li abraçaven  perquè estaven agraïts d'haver-la tingut com a professora al Pompeu.
Louisa ens ha ensenyat unes fotos que ens va fer quan van venir fa dos anys i tots hem notat com hem crescut des de llavors! Ens ha explicat sobre la seva vida en Anglaterra i sobre les tradicions de Setmana Santa. Els estudiants li han fet preguntes en anglès i inclús li han ballat i cantat la cançó, "Mamma Mia" algunes nenes de 3r. Louisa estava molt impressionada. També hem buscat ous de xocolata al pati amb els alumnes de 4rt, que és una altra tradicció anglesa.
Estem molt contents de retrobar-nos; res no canvia tant! Estarem esperant-te per tornar a veure't un altre cop ben aviat.  Bones vacances a tothom!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Unit 3 resources

The childrens of P4 are learning the colours in this unit. Here you have a song that we are singing to learn it.

Els nens de P4 estan aprenent els colors en aquesta unitat. Aquí teniu una cançó que estem cantant per aprendre'ls.

The P5 students are learning the vehicles in English and we are singing this traditional song:
The wheels on the bus.

Els alumnes de P5 estan aprenent els noms dels transports en anglès i estem cantant aquesta cançó tradicional.  The wheels on the bus.

The wheels on the bus

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Theatre pictures

Hello! Here you are the pictures of the three plays that the students from P4 to 6th watched last Monday. They enjoyed a lot because the plays were funny and they could participate a lot and sing songs.

Hola! Aquí teniu les fotos de les tres obres que els alumnes des de P4 fins a 6è van veure el passat  dilluns. Ells van gaudir molt perquè les obres eren divertides i van participar molt i cantar cançons. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Theatre in English!

Next Monday all the students of the school are going to watch a play in English. 
  •  P4, P5 and 1st are going to watch a Pirate's play, Pirates for tea. 
  •  5th and 6th are going to watch a play called The Lemon thieves.
  •  2nd 3rd and 4th are going to watch a play about animals, A Monkey's Tale 

 Teatre en anglès!
El proper dilluns els alumnes de l'escola aniran a veure una obra en anglès.
  •  P4, P5 i 1r veuran una obra de pirates, Pirates for tea.
  •  5è i 6è veuran una obra anomenada The Lemon thieves.
  •  2n 3r i 4t , veuran una obra sobre animals, A Monkey's Tale.

Sunday, January 3, 2016


Here you are the videos of our last Winter Festival. The recording of the 1st A graders was damaged so I couldn't upload it. Sorry for that. CONGRATULATIONS to you all for your performances. 

Aquí teniu els vídeos de l'últim festival de l'any. La gravació de 1r A ha estat malmesa per la qual cosa no he pogut pujar el vídeo. Ho sento. FELICITATS a tots per les vostres actuacions.