Saturday, March 19, 2016


It is already the end of the second term - how time flies! On our last day, we had a special surprise - something totally unexpected! When the children arrived at school in the morning, they went up the stairs to class like normal, but Louisa was waiting at the top to say good morning! Louisa was our English speaking assistant two years ago and today she came back to Pompeu Fabra. The students were so happy to see her and many of them gave her hugs because they are grateful to have had her as a teacher here in Parets!
Louisa showed us photos that she took of the students from two years ago and we all noted how much we have grown since then! She then told us about her life in England, and about how the Easter holidays are celebrated there. The students enjoyed asking questions in English and the third grade even performed the song "Mamma Mia!" with the dance. Louisa was very impressed! We also did an Easter egg hunt in the playground with fourth grade, as this is another popular Easter tradition!

We are so happy to be reunited; nothing ever changes too much! We will be waiting to see you again soon. Happy Easter to everyone! 

Ja s'ha acabat el segon trimestre, com passa el temps! L'últim dia hem  tingut una sorpresa especial, totalment inesperada. Quan els nens van arribar a l'escola al matí, van pujar les escales com sempre, però Louisa estava esperant-los per dir Bon dia! Louisa era la nostra Auxiliar de Conversa fa dos cursos i avui ha tornat a l'escola. Tots els estudiants estaven molt contents de veure-la i molts li abraçaven  perquè estaven agraïts d'haver-la tingut com a professora al Pompeu.
Louisa ens ha ensenyat unes fotos que ens va fer quan van venir fa dos anys i tots hem notat com hem crescut des de llavors! Ens ha explicat sobre la seva vida en Anglaterra i sobre les tradicions de Setmana Santa. Els estudiants li han fet preguntes en anglès i inclús li han ballat i cantat la cançó, "Mamma Mia" algunes nenes de 3r. Louisa estava molt impressionada. També hem buscat ous de xocolata al pati amb els alumnes de 4rt, que és una altra tradicció anglesa.
Estem molt contents de retrobar-nos; res no canvia tant! Estarem esperant-te per tornar a veure't un altre cop ben aviat.  Bones vacances a tothom!